If you’ve been reading here long, then you know that I don’t have a dryer. Washing machines in a rented apartment are something of a luxury here in Brooklyn. When we were planning to move here, I asked God for a washing machine so I could wash my diapers at home. He saw fit to grant my request, and our apartment has a full size, top-loading wash machine. We just pay a little extra for the water it uses.
Sometimes I get frustrated with how wet my diapers are when they finish the final rinse & spin cycle. Often, a lot of water gets trapped in the wet bag, and soaks the inserts nearby as the machine finishes. If I am in a pinch and need diapers fast, I don’t have time to let all of the extra water line-dry out of my inserts.
A while back I started re-setting my machine to do a second spin after the cycle had completed. This second spin seems to release the water trapped in the wet bags, because I don’t have that problem any more.
I also know for sure that even more water is spinning out of my diapers & inserts, thereby cutting the dry time. How do I know this? Because my washing machine is in my kitchen, and it drains into my kitchen sink. Sometimes I stand and watch the second spin cycle, amazed at how much water had been left in my inserts.
So even if you have a dryer, cut the drying time by running an extra spin on your machine before you start the drying cycle.