Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Rash is Back

Well...we went to the dermatologist and were given a third prescription cream to treat Nolan's rash.  The newest diagnosis is that he had a fungal/yeast rash which became inflamed.  So...the first two creams treated the yeast.  The new cream is to treat the inflammation/infection caused by the initial rash.  After three days we finally saw improvement in the rash.  After over a month of painful blisters and red, irritated skin, Nolan was almost back to normal.
The dermatologist cleared me to return to cloth diapers.  As soon as I finished up the disposable diapers which I had been using, I started back with cloth.  All of my diapers have been disinfected multiple times with tea tree oil and grapefruit seed extract.  They have been dried in the sun.  They should be good to go...right?
Nope.  Well...that is...I'm not sure what the problem is.  But we have splotchy bright red skin, again.  This is definitely getting a little old.  We are visiting my in-laws right now, so my MIL went and purchased another package of disposables.  When we get home I will resort to using bleach and the method prescribed by Kanga Care to disinfect my diapers.  Just to be sure.  I would feel terrible if I have brought the rash back to Nolan's skin because I wouldn't use bleach before.
Other factors which may have contributed to the new rash {which is definitely NOT fungal/bumpy as it was previously}:
  • We spent Friday at the Chelsea Waterside Park in Manhattan.  Nolan was in and out of sprinklers, wading pools, and sand pits for over 3 hours.  He was wearing a cloth diaper {which got wet} for that period of time.
  • A day at the pool on Saturday.  Because Nolan was in and out of the water a lot, I let him wear a cloth diaper {since I don't have any swimmies}.  Perhaps the prolonged wetness irritated his just-now-healing skin.
So, we are not over the hump yet.  We already had a follow-up appointment with the dermatologist scheduled for next week.  Hopefully things will be better before then!
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