Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Beginning of the End

This is a hard post for me to write.  But it has been coming for a while, and the decision has now been made.  Doable Diapers will soon be closing.  Thanks to all of you who have followed me, made purchases at Doable Diapers, referred your friends, and interacted on Facebook and this blog. 

I have learned a lot from being a small business owner.  Doable Diapers was there to back up my husbands income when his employment was uncertain.  It was there to give me something to do, and let me be creative with my website and blog.  It gave Nolan 9 months Elaine 29 monthsme an outlet in something that I like and am knowledgeable about – cloth diapers.  But now I have two small children, and they demand a lot of attention.  Life in the City is harder {maybe more inconvenient would be a better choice of words} than I had imagined, and I can’t really expand my business out of my home any longer. 

I have also learned that running a home business can be stressful, time consuming, and demanding.  Those are things I don’t want in my life right now.  Over the last month when orders have been light, I was able to plan my days around my kids and be spontaneous with my schedule.  I didn’t have inventory to count, product orders to place, paperwork to file, or boxes to pack.  And it was nice.  My kids will only be young once, and I want to pour myself into them now while they are still teachable and moldable.

So after much prayer and 2012 prayer card jpg for digital useconsideration, my husband and I have decided that it is time to let go of Doable Diapers – at least for now.  Things in our life have changed, and we need to keep the focus and priorities straight.  I want to focus on my God-given roles of wife and mother, and in a couple of years I will also be homeschooling.  Maybe at a later time I can be a business woman again, if God allows it.  It’s a little sad, but a lot relieving.

I am working to double check my inventory and slash the prices on my current stock items.  I will leave the blog open, and I will still answer questions and comments as they arise.  If you have been a customer of Doable Diapers and you need help with anything, don’t hesitate to ask.  I’m still a cloth diapering mommy!

1 comment:

Brittany H said...

NOO! Sad, you are my favorite. That's ok though, I understand and totally respect you for letting it go. Go have fun being a full-time mom!

I am glad you are keeping your blog open. I've found so many great things on here. Best of luck!

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