Here are some resources that you may find helpful as you begin or continue your potty training journey. Some I used, some I never got around to using. I found many of the books at my local library.
There is a myriad of items out there, but these are only a select few that I personally came across in my potty training research. If you have a favorite that is not listed, please take a moment to leave a comment so that others can benefit from your experience. I know that other moms would appreciate hearing what items worked for you!
Books On Potty Training
- Stress-Free Potty Training: by Sara Au and Peter L. Stavinoha
Potty Train Your Child in Just One Day: Proven Secrets
of the Potty Pro by Teri Crane and Philip Caravella M.D.
The Everything Potty Training Book: Professional, Reassuring Advice to Help You and Your Child Through This Challenging Time by Linda Sonna and Linda, Ph.D. Sonna
Books for your Toddler
- The Potty Book - For Boys by Alyssa Satin Capucilli and Dorothy Stott
- The New Potty (Little Critter) by Mercer Mayer and Gina Mayer
- Step Stool – we have this BABYBJÖRN Safe Step. It comes in several colors
- Built in Potty Seat to adapt your toilet seat – I wish I had known about this sooner, as it would cut down on items that I have to store in my little apartment. I’m sure there are various brands available.
- Potty Seat – we have this one, but I would choose something with a soft cushion if I had to do it again. I would recommend a potty seat if you don’t have a lot of room for a potty chair to sit in the bathroom (and for storage). However, Elaine learned better starting out on the potty chair and then moving to the potty seat. The potty seat is nice and portable for trips/vacations, etc.
- Potty Chair – we have this one.
Elaine started potty training on November 16, 2011. She is now completely day trained, and we haven’t had an accident in several weeks. She wakes up dry from her naps, and doesn’t wear the wool cover at naptime anymore. She wakes up dry most mornings, or just barely damp. We will soon be eliminating the cover and extra absorbency at nighttime, too.
Thanks for coming along with me as I shared my potty training experience. As I mentioned at the beginning, I am the farthest thing from an expert, but we have been successful in teaching Elaine to use the potty. I hope that you have gleaned some helpful information or tips from this series!
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