After much deliberation, I have finally settled on several new diapers to add to my stash for the new baby. I have a good amount of newborn prefolds and one newborn Bummis Snap Wrap from Elaine. I added a Rumparooz newborn cover in Gumball (our favorite print). If the baby is a boy, I also have a Robotronics newborn cover. If it is a girl, I have an Amethyst cover.
One of the Snap Wraps pictured is a small size, and I have eight prefolds which are slightly larger than these newborns, but not quite as big as the small prefolds.
I chose to try these diapers on my newborn to compare fit and length of use: 2 FuzziBunz Perfect Size Extra Small, 2 FuzziBunz One Size, and 1 Rumparooz One Size with Aplix closure. I decided not to use the bumGenius AIO and the Rumparooz Lil Joeys simply because I don’t have a dryer. I don’t think that I can get the inner soaker dry enough, and dry fast enough, to justify adding them to my stash. I was disappointed about this because I really wanted to try the Lil Joeys!
The White and Mac N Cheese diapers are the Extra Small Size. I also saved a Blueberry diaper before it was discontinued, and I chose one of the new Spearmint colored diapers in the One Size.
Here is a size comparison of the One Size set to a newborn setting, and a Perfect Size Extra Small. They are pretty much the same size! I’m looking forward to comparing the fit.
(Spearmint OS on the left; Mac N Cheese X-Small on the right)
Since I have other FuzziBunz One Size diapers in my stash, I will have a good amount of newborn pocket diapers. That was a luxury I didn’t have with Elaine!
My first six pocket diapers with Elaine were FuzziBunz Perfect Size in small. They seem so huge compared to these extra-small diapers! The small size is designed to fit from 7-18 pounds, while the extra-small fits 4-12 pounds. Elaine was very skinny and her pockets didn’t fit well until about two months old.
I chose to add a Rumparooz Aplix diaper just because I’m curious. I’ve always been a snap diaper fan. Many people choose hook & loop closures because you can get a more exact fit in the waist. I want to test that on my newborn. I also need another “easy” diaper for the nursery workers and babysitters to use.
Depending on the gender of the baby, I have several other one size diapers picked out. I am dying to use a Ladder 6 Rumparooz. We have very little yellow, orange, and blue diapers in our stash (because we have a girl), so it will be nice to add some of those as well… maybe!
How about you? Did you cloth diaper a newborn? What was your favorite diaper for fit, function, and budget? I found prefolds easy to use for a good fit on a little baby. But I want to test some of the more modern options for newborns. I’ll let you know the results!
I like reading about your plan, and can't wait to read about how the diapers work out. I had all fuzzibunz one size when my daughter was born, but being a new mom and new to cloth diapers I was a little anxious about using them until she was about 2 and a half months old. Also, when their new even after the first couple washing they just seem so bulky for a newborn, especially for my daughter who was only 6lbs 3 oz when she came home and was a slow weight gainer until about 4 months. For the next baby, which we are hoping to try for at the end of the summer, I really want to use cloth from the beginning, since I've gotten so much experience over the past year. (We have the Ladder 6 Rumparooz, won it from Doable Diapers in fact(thanks again), and it's not too boyish for a little girl, with the bright colors it works great for girl or boy) :)
This is my first child to cloth diaper and we cloth diapered from about 3 days of age. I had great experiences using Lil Joeys, Applecheeks size 1, and Thirsties covers size one. I also used regular Rumparooz on the smallest setting (in snaps) and they also worked great (I did not try this until he was about 9 1/2 lbs though).
I have a Fuzzibunz perfect size in small and it still gaps at the legs (and leaks) on my skinny-legged now 15 lb baby.
Love your choice of a cover in Gumball (also my favorite print!). I had no idea Rumparooz made covers until recently and I have been looking for a Gumball cover ever since!
I did not use a dryer with my Lil Joey's. I hung them over a drying rack and set the drying rack over a floor vent. I usually washed at night and they were dry by morning. So even without a dryer, a Lil Joey could be an option!
My husband and I are planning to cloth diaper our newborn when she arrives in September. I spent the last few months building up a one-size pocket diaper stash to get us through the bulk of our diapering years, so I want to try to build a reasonable newborn stash as affordably as possible. I think I've settled on pre-folds and covers. I have a dozen of the smallest bummis pre-folds (I think they are "preemie") and am planning to order a dozen more "small" pre-folds from oso-cozy or possibly green mountain diapers. I am not sure on covers though, so I am getting one or two of several types...a thirsties wrap, a bummis super lite, two rump-a-rooz...not sure what else yet!
I have just heard so many good things about pre-folds and newborns. I only hope they work equally as well folded as inserts as they do folded and used with snappis...because I don't want to have to learn to do anything complicated!! Are you planning to learn the "fancy" folds for your prefolds or just fold them in thirds and lay them in the diapers?
When is your little one due? I'll look forward to reading about your experiences!!
@riccig -
Prefolds and snappis are not hard - just use a basic angel wing fold and it works well at containing BF poo. I did this for my daughter who is now 19 months. I still use half prefolds and half pockets. We now trifold the prefolds and lay in the cover, but if you do this for a newborn you will not be able to reuse your covers.
I am due in just six days now and can't wait!
Hey when your baby is born let us know how you like all your diapers. I'm thinking about using rumparooz nb covers and maybe some blueberry nb covers, as well as a bunch of random nb pockets and aio's I have stashed up. Just looking for good options!
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